Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Questions On The Philosophy Of Metaphysics - 1372 Words

Edina Pepic Metaphysics 04-04-15 Midterm 1. What is the project of metaphysics? How did the early Greek Philosophers develop the issue? What were their enduring contributions, the diversity of their responses and the abiding issues that will engage the subsequent tradition? The project of Metaphysics is the study of existence; Metaphysics purpose is to answer, â€Å"What is reality.† Metaphysics reviews everything in the world that exists, although Metaphysics is a small part of Philosophy it is very important and is considered the base of Philosophy. The reason the project of Metaphysics is important is because the simple question what is for real has helped shape our world and allowed us to grow and develop overtime. Metaphysics is to speak about being and think about existence in general, general characteristics of being, and why there is something rather than nothing. The early Greek Philosophers developed the issue of asking, â€Å"what is† by answering the question of â€Å"what is the essence of being.† The philosophers did not all agree on what the essence of being is and each had their own opinion on the matter. Thales believed that the essence is being is water; Anaximander believed it was matter, Xenophanes believed it w as the earth, and Heraclites believed it was fire, Democritus believed it was atoms and the void. Pythagoras believed that reality was numbers and geometric form for being real because they are in your mind, and Parmenides believed that â€Å"which is, andShow MoreRelatedEducators Struggle with Philosophy1075 Words   |  4 Pageswe all struggle with philosophy and where to go from there once we decide what our set of beliefs are. Once we put our philosophy in place, we then struggle with changing our philosophy. 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